Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gingerbread decorating!

Sunday we went to Gmo's and decorated gingerbread houses for the boys and a gingerbread tree for Koda! Everyone met us there and we had so much fun!
Don't know who's concentrating more; Glenn's girlfriend, Trisha or Harbor! They were so cute; intricately decorating their house!

Harbor's finished project. He said he wanted to save it till his birthday (May) but only made it two days before he broke down an picked off and ate all the candy!

Scout's first year decorating his gingerbread house all by himself! He's grown so much!

More concentration--for Harbor things have to be placed "just so." My little architect!

Tom's girlfriend, Alex helped Koda. Koda loves Alex! Zack put his "contribution" along my cheek!
We had a great day! What a fun tradition!

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