Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April Has Arrived!

The last 3 months have been so, SO crazy!

I was taking two classes: Calculus II and Biology II. Between family life and school life, I was so stressed and busy! But I survived finals and made it out of the classes with a B+ and A, respectively. I'm so glad it's over and now I'll NEVER have to take another math class again! This quarter has started with only Biology III and by the end of this quarter I will have earned my A.S. (Associates of Science) I'm looking forward to a more relaxing school schedule.

Scout is doing great in school. Between homework and Cub Scouts, he is quite busy.

Harbor enjoys Headstart and is preparing for his next school play. I registered him for Kindergarten 3 weeks ago.

Koda is still spunky and loves to drive her mom and dad crazy! She is on 2 different waiting lists for pre-school and can't wait to go!

Zack has had quite a bit of time off; his job showing stress signs with the state of the economy. Today he is in Spokane and will be spending some time at a spill in Montana. Supposed Lay-offs are coming; keep your fingers crossed that Zack will not be affected.

Hope everyone is enjoying this warmer weather, just like us! We cannot wait to take advantage of all that the springtime has to offer!

1 comment:

Brookreson Family said...

I'm glad you updated your blog finally! :) I was starting to worry that you were giving up on blogging.