Sunday, April 12, 2009

Early Morning . . . . . A very Groggy Easter morning for Mom & Dad

The kids COULD NOT fall asleep last night, coming in every couple of minutes to see when the Easter Bunny was going to arrive . . . . Mom told them, the Easter Bunny would not come until they were all asleep . . . . So every 5 minutes or so, they would all trudge out asking how much longer till the Bunny came! They were so excited! The Easter Bunny checked in on them about midnight and saw that they were finally all asleep, so ever so quietly, deposited treasures into their baskets that they had placed securely next to their beds. Dad had gotten called into work that evening about 6pm and came home about 3 am, so he had missed the anticipation. About 4 a.m. Harbor woke up and saw the "loot" in his basket and proceeded to wake his brother and sister! Everyone was so excited that they couldn't not go back to sleep, much to the urging of Mom . . . . . so far all 3 munchkins have been going strong, playing with their trinkets and continuing their sugar high! Mom and Dad tried to sleep through the excitement but to no avail!
I expect that the afternoon will not be as pleasant, as they start to get tired and the sugar wears off. . . . .
The weather here today is rainy and windy, so we are all stuck indoors . . . .
Hope everyone enjoys their day with their loved ones, I know I will!

1 comment:

Brookreson Family said...

I love it! That's the fun of being a child for sure.