Thursday, October 30, 2008

Our Trip to Yakima

Beautiful, right?!? Zack and I spent an entire day exploring together on Sunday. We went through Chinook Pass (Crystal Mountain). We towed the Toyota with the truck, did some off-roading and explored. Then we met some guys from his work in Yakima and did some more off-road exploring there too! What a great day! Thanks to Auntie Trisha, the kids were well taken care of and had a great day too!
The top picture is of Mt. Rainier, on top of the pass.
The bottom picture was taken on an off-road trail in Naches (on the other side of the pass). Its amazing how far you could see. What a beautiful time of year to travel. The trees were beautiful!

The picture below is also of Mt. Rainier, on top of Chinook pass. Just magnificent!

1 comment:

Four Andersons said...

Amazing pictures! It looks so beautiful. Not what I am used to around here in NYC :-).
